Do You Love Yourself the Way You Are?

Take your time to read the questions one by one, and then answer spontaneously, without mulling them over again. Don’t worry, you can’t do anything wrong. And this quiz is just for you alone.

Are you ready?

1. Do you often (have to) put aside your own needs, desires, or concerns to satisfy those of others? yes
2. Do you sometimes even fulfil other people’s needs at the expense of your own health or well-being? yes
3. Have you been brought up with the belief that it is selfish to want to come first? yes
4. Do you sometimes feel that you don’t treat your body with the care and attention it deserves? Do you exercise too little? Do you lack sleep? Do you eat an unhealthy diet? yes
5. Is it easier for you to excuse other people’s mistakes than your own? yes
6. Do you find it difficult to pay others the respect you expect to receive from them? yes
7. Do you find it difficult to still like or tolerate people when they make mistakes? yes
8. Do you allow too few people to be affectionate, supportive, compassionate, or caring towards you? yes
9. Do you think that you are unable to attract people who are affectionate, supportive, compassionate, or caring towards you? yes
10. Do you find it difficult to talk to your partner (or to your parents or friends) honestly and openly about yourself? Do you fear problems or troubles if you expressed your true feelings or needs? yes
11. Do you get the impression that the give and take in your relationships is off balance? Do you often feel that you give more than you receive? yes
12. Do you often feel in your relationships that you need to fight hard to be heard or to press your point? yes
13. Do you often believe that you are simply not loveable? yes
14. Did you ever regard the breakup of a relationship as proof that you are not good enough, not loveable, or not valuable? yes
15. Did you ever experience the breakup of a relationship as crushing, like a personal defeat? Do you find it difficult to regard such a situation as a possibility of personal growth? yes